The first portfolio support Ordinal wallet

We are excited to announce that Nimbus is the first platform to support tracking Ordinal BRC-20 and Ordinal NFT. This means that you can use Nimbus to monitor your portfolio performance, follow whale movements, and discover new opportunities in the Ordinal ecosystem.
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BRC-20 Detail view

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We build the BRC-20 positions in detail with the below criteria
  • How whale behaviors compared to their movement
  • Positions’ value over time
  • Detail historical transaction
With that info, we believe you will have a bird eye on what the whale playing with the market

NFT Detail

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If you have lots of NFTs in your wallets and tired of knowing how’s your investment, we’re here to help. I hope this feature gonna give your brain some space LOL
Nimbus is the ultimate platform for tracking your crypto portfolio across multiple chains and protocols. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, Nimbus gives you the tools and data you need to make informed decisions and grow your wealth.
Join Nimbus today and discover the power of tracking Ordinal BRC-20 and Ordinal NFT with us!
Check the demo below👇

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